Searching for the right employee has been made so simple on the YidJob platform.
Go through the instructions below in order to quickly learn how to search for candidates and contact them easily.
From the 'Find Talent' drop-down (in the top menu bar), select 'Search Candidates'

Here you can easily view all candidate profiles.
You can narrow down your search by entering keywords (i.e. accounting, design, construction, etc.), selecting locations and categories, and checking off the job type (freelance/full time/etc...)

Once you've narrowed down your search, you can click on any profile and a popup-box preview will appear where you see an overview of the profile details.
Quickly navigate through the candidates from your search results by clicking on the right or left arrows.
Click 'View Candidate' to see their full profile and/or contact them.

Once you are on the candidate's profile details page you can do the following:
Contact the candidate
Bookmark the profile
Create a custom alert to notified when similar profiles are posted

When you click 'Contact', a dialogue box will appear where you can fill out the proper fields in order to message the candidate in question.
Hit the submit button when done.

(Note: Your message, along with your contact info, will automatically be sent directly to the candidate and they can choose if/when to get back to you.)