Posting your job opening should not take more than just a few minutes. And it doesn't!
Read the instructions on how to post your job properly so that you can receive candidate applications in no time at all.
From the 'Find Talent' drop-down (in the top menu bar), select 'Post a Job'

Fill out all details regarding the job you are posting in their respective fields.

Enter the title of the job, the job location, the job type (full time, part time, etc), the category the job is in, the skills needed for this job and a basic description, what the job is all about.
New! Adding custom screening questions:

You can now choose to require candidates to answer custom screening questions before submitting their applications.
Premium users:
You can choose to "Require candidates to upload a resume" so only candidates that upload resumes can apply.
Adding company info (optional):
You may also want to add your company's information so that candidates know which company they are applying to.
It will also give you the option to write a description about your company, upload your company logo and will automatically create a separate company page where all the open jobs from your company will be displayed.

Hit 'create new company' and continue editing and saving you job post.
Note: Filling out all details are extremely helpful in making sure that your job can be easily searched and found by potential candidates.
It also increases the chances of you receiving likely candidate applications for the job.
Once you've completed your post, hit the preview button in order to preview the job and continue saving and posting it.

If you are satisfied with how your post looks, hit the continue button.
If you'd still like to make changes you can go back and edit it by clicking the 'Edit Listing' button.
(You can always edit your post, even once it's posted, from your job dashboard, see article on editing and managing your posted jobs)
Once you click continue, you will have the option to choose your pricing plan.

Choose the plan best suited for your/your company's needs, according to how many jobs you may want to post.
You can upgrade/cancel your plans at any time you choose.
Hit continue once you've selected the right plan.

Complete the checkout form with all your information.
You will see your order details at the bottom of the page, including the total, your plan, what the recurring total is, etc...
After you've completed all of that, check off the "I've read and accept the terms and conditions" and hit the 'Complete Checkout' button.

An 'Order Received' message will appear along with the details of your order and subscription. (A receipt will arrive in your inbox as well)
You can view your job post by clicking the 'View Listing' button.
Your first job is now posted.